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True Reflections

Traveling to a different hemisphere in search of the worlds largest mirror to help me see my true reflection...

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BDL Chronicle 1: A Tiger Shark Named Tequila

Ok so I am starting a memoir of my life chronicles that I can’t deny are pretty fun…. I decided to start my first life story out with almost getting my hand ripped off by a ten foot tiger shark named tequila in the Bahamas … just because … Lesson learned - don’t let one bad experience sour a chance to be epic …. This trip was epic!

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Darwinning into 36

From late night sea lion diving to strip clubs and tattoos in the heart of the Galapagos... this is how I evolved into 36 years old...

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Trafagar Falls Part 2

Taking my first crew of the BDL Adventure club down this monster!


Best Lifestyle Medicine Leader

When we think about doctors, our mind pictures someone with a white lab coat, maybe glasses, walking around a pristine white or beige...

Miami Beach Sports Nutritionist And Personal Trainer Dr.Ivan Rusilko Dishes On Staying

Dr. Ivan Rusilko strongly believes we really can have it all, so the osteopath, certified sports nutritionist and personal trainer.

Best Lifestyle Medicine Leader

When we think about doctors, our mind pictures someone with a white lab coat, maybe glasses, walking around a pristine white or beige...

Best Lifestyle Medicine Leader

When we think about doctors, our mind pictures someone with a white lab coat, maybe glasses, walking around a pristine white or beige...

Miami Beach Sports Nutritionist And Personal Trainer Dr.Ivan Rusilko Dishes On Staying

Dr. Ivan Rusilko strongly believes we really can have it all, so the osteopath, certified sports nutritionist and personal trainer.

Best Lifestyle Medicine Leader

When we think about doctors, our mind pictures someone with a white lab coat, maybe glasses, walking around a pristine white or beige...