fat-soluble vitamins test
Measure Your Essential Fat-Soluble Vitamins for Optimal Wellness
What is a Fat-soluble Vitamins test?
This test measures the levels of vitamins A, D, E, and K in your blood. These vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissue and liver and are crucial for many functions, including immune health, vision, bone strength, and blood clotting.
Reasons to Get a Fat-Soluble Vitamins Test:
Essential for eye health, immune function, and skin integrity. Deficiency may lead to vision problems, while excess can cause liver issues.
Key for calcium absorption and bone health. Deficiency can result in weakened bones or osteoporosis, while excess may lead to high blood calcium levels.
Important for antioxidant protection. Low levels can cause nerve damage, while high levels might interfere with blood clotting.
Necessary for blood clotting and bone health. Deficiency can cause bleeding problems, while toxicity is rare but could interfere with medications like anticoagulants.
Since these vitamins are stored rather than excreted quickly, imbalances can occur more easily, leading to either deficiencies or toxicity.